Author's Anonymous is open to all Carthage High School students! We meet every second and last Friday of the month in Mrs. Burkhart's room (W214) in seminar.
We hope to see you there!
What is Authors Anonymous?
More and more, younger people are waking up to their creative side! And what other way to create other than with words? To help promote the creative art of writing in high school, Author's Anonymous was founded!
It's a pressure free, judgement free, and relaxed place to write. Worried about your work being over analyzed by an older, very critical adult or ridiculed by a much younger audience who doesn't even try to see the world you see? Then this is the place for you! Get feedback from another writer closer to your own age!
Share your inspiration! Learn new ways to brainstorm or plan a story's plot! Practice little ways to get new ideas or organize older ones!
Sound appealing? Then join Author's Anonymous! We'd be delighted to have you around! And remember: the club is open to any type of (school appropriate) writing and you don't have to be the world's greatest to join!
Welcome to
Carthage High School's
Authors Anonymous!